Lady Talk Matters

Lady Talk Matters

About us

Lady Talk Matters is a global charity that aims to improve lives by normalising menstrual health and reproductive matters. This is achieved through education, awareness, inspiration, and support.

Young women and all those who menstruate are not always adequately informed about matters relating to their menstual and reproductive health, specifically the need for screenings such as cervical smears and information about menstrual conditions such as endometriosis.  There is a global need for improved menstrual health education, removing the taboo around discussing women’s reproductive functions, and improving access to period products.

One of the main focus areas of Lady Talk Matters is providing education on menstrual and reproductive health to young pupilis in a fun an interactive way.  The syllabus is aligned with global curriculums and presented in a straightforward and factual manner.  The taboo around menstruation begins at this early age when boys and girls are separated during Life Orientation or sex education classes at school. It reinforces the impression that women’s reproductive health matters are shameful and secretive. By providing education to both boys and girls, this taboo can be removed to allow for open conversation.

Together with this education, Lady Talk Matters works to ensure that basic period products are provided to women and girls in need.  They skill, train and employ ladies to manufacture re-usable period pads.  For just £5 or the equivalent in your currency, you really can help change a life!


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